5 Simple Steps for a Solid SEO Strategy


The term SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization and is now one of the most important terms in Digital Marketing. The main purpose of a successful SEO application is to rank a website, if not in the first place of the organic results, at least in the first three.

Below, we will analyze in more detail the most successful strategies for effective SEO.

Step 1:

The first step to your successful strategy is to search for the right keywords (Keyword Research), that is, those words that best describe your products or services. However, finding successful keywords is not an easy task. It requires meticulous research and targeted search. Our key ally is Google Keyword Planner. Keyword Planner is a tool that finds which keywords are the most frequently searched in your domain. For example, if you have an e-shop that sells baby clothes, you should look for the phrase “baby clothes” or the phrase “baby clothes” more often in your content.

Step 2:

The second step to successful SEO is Competition Keyword Analysis. Now that you have gathered all the keywords you need to analyze the competition on the keywords/keyword phrases you found. Thus, you will block some keywords and choose the ones that are more appropriate and at the same time less competitive in relation to the “rival” sites of the market.

Step 3:

The third step – now that you have completed the research on the content of your website – is to build a successful website. A website should be Speed Optimized in order to be SEO friendly. A well-structured website with simple coding helps search engines rank it higher in the results.

Step 4:

The fourth and most important step after building a reliable website is the so-called Link Building. For search engines, the integration of Links from other websites, always of course relevant to your content, acts as paths paving new avenues. However, it is very important that the Links you incorporate always come from reputable sites, otherwise this can significantly affect your ranking.

Step 5:

The fifth step in effectively promoting your site is Social Media Sharing. Promote your website using all the Social Media to attract customers. Share information, inform your customers and advertise your products on different platforms. Of course, creating a Blog and constantly feeding your site with articles helps significantly in good ranking. Interacting with your audience will bring spectacular results!

For more information and tips on promoting your business, contact us.

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