Manage Orders In Woocommerce

How to manage orders in Woocommerce

Woocommerce sends some automated emails according to the actions of the customers inside the store.

The statuses of an order for which managers receive emails are as follows:

  • New order
  • Canceled Order
  • Failed Order

When a store starts accepting orders, the order management page starts to fill up. Go to: WooCommerce → Orders .

Each row displays many details. Some are there by default, others can be added. These are the options available:

  • Order number and customer name
  • Purchase date
  • Order Status
  • Billing Address
  • Shipping Address
  • Total market and
  • Actions
Manage Orders In Woocommerce - Algoria

To change these columns:

Go to: WooCommerce → Orders .

Select View Options in the upper right corner.

Choose which columns to display.

Select how many Items you want to display on each page.

Then Apply.

Manage Orders In Woocommerce - Algoria

Filter and arrange orders

Filter orders by Date (month / year) or by registered customer .

Τον Select the month or search for a customer.

→ Select Filter.

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Arrange orders in ascending or descending order by order number, date or set by selecting the heading.

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Order statements in the Overview

The order statements are color coded and descriptive.

  1. Canceled → Gray
  2. Completed → Blue
  3. Failure → Red
  4. Waiting → Orange
  5. Outstanding payment κρι Gray
  6. Edit → Green
  7. Refund κρι Gray

How can I view or edit Order Details?

Step 1: Go to Order Management.

Step 2: Click on the Order Number and the name of the order for which you want to see Order Details.

Step 3: From this page, you can edit your purchase date. Also, you can change your Order Status, view your billing information, and view your shipping details.

Manage Orders In Woocommerce - Algoria

Step 4: To send a receipt, invoice, or resend the order notice to the customer, use the Order Actions drop-down list.

Manage Orders In Woocommerce - Algoria

Step 5: View, edit or add new Notes to Order with Order Notes.

Manage Orders In Woocommerce - Algoria

Step 6: After making changes to the Order Details, click Update.

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