Suggestions after the development of eshop

Having completed the development of the e-shop you will wonder what you should do next. Here are some simple steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation.


Step 1: List your business on Google my business

When you search for a company name in search engines (eg Google), you will notice that most of them appear this way:

Suggestions after the development of eshop - Algoria

This means that the business is registered with Google my business and is an account approved by Google.

First of all, let us emphasize that this tool is free and the registration process is very simple.

Visit the link below and start registering today.

What you will need

You must first have a Google email account.


You are given the option even if you do not already have an account to create a new one by filling in your details.

You will need to add information to your profile such as:

Business Name, Business
Address (Optional in case you do not have a physical store)
Service area (eg Attica) (Optional)
Contact phone
Your e-shop email address (URL)
Verification address,
Google will send you a letter containing a code that you must enter in order to be approved.

Once you have completed the registration and while you wait to receive your approval, you can add indoor or outdoor photography, some of your products and videos to get your profile content.

You can add posts to your profile about the new service you will offer in your store or the new product collection that is coming.
In addition, you have the opportunity to receive useful information about your audience, such as how many calls you have received in the last week. Of course Google Analytics will help you with this, where it has all the data of your audience.


Step 2: Creating corporate social networks

Since your business is already on the internet, it would be good to enter the world of social media. The buying public tends to spend the vast majority of the day on social media and this is an opportunity for you.

First, create a Facebook page.

Through your personal account there you select the Menu and click Page


There you will fill in the details of your business such as:

Business name, refers to how your business will appear on facebook

Business category
Information: address, contact telephone
image Cover image
Opening hours etc.

Then create an Instagram profile

Log in to your Facebook account.

In the sidebar, under Explore, click Pages.

Select the name of the Facebook page you want to edit

Settings → Instagram → Login

Click Login to sign in to your Instagram account.

Create a username and password.

Fill in the information requested by Email, Phone and Address, edit or remove the information displayed on Instagram and click Finish.

Upload your new products and inform your audience about what is new in your e-shop.


In your Facebook and Instagram accounts you can connect the products of your e-shop and be available there as well.


Step 3: Create a Newsletter-Interface with MailChimp

It is very important to communicate with your customers and inform them about everything you want to tell them. For this purpose you can create a Newsletter to keep in touch with your audience.

MailChimp is the most popular platform for sending e-mails to customers with information, offers, etc.

For example, by filling in their e-mail on your site, they will be able to receive your news about your offers, the new collection in your store, the 48-hour offer and much more. It is possible to schedule emails to be sent to specific days and times and to specific email addresses (email)

At the same time, you can reward the loyalty of buyers with a discount at your store if they make purchases over € 30 or take advantage of the 1 + 1 that applies only to registered users.

You can put photos and impressive graphics in the e-mails, so that they are more attractive and “catch” the eyes.

There is also a free and paid version and what changes are the features you have on the platform.  

Step 4: Register your business with Skroutz and Bestprice

Many consumers first look for the product they are looking for on Skroutz & Bestprice price comparison sites and then make their purchases.

The introduction of your e-shop in one of these sites, will increase your traffic to the store and if your prices are competitive, then your sales will increase. Your recognition will definitely increase and customers will know that you are a certified store.

What is needed for your registration

  • Existence of a shopping cart in the e-shop
  • Have the Credit Card as a method of payment
  • Indicate the Shipping Cost
  • XML file, contains all the products that are in the e-shop
  • Identifiable products: Unique number (Part number) from manufacturer, Product weight etc.
  • Store name, to be unique

Every step is important for the development of your e-shop so that it becomes recognizable and you make sales.

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