Email is one of the most popular and easy ways to communicate via the internet. However, it would be helpful to mention and remind you of some basic practices for the proper communication and use of our e-mail.
1.Message Subject and Text:
An e-mail consists of its Subject and its Text. In the Subject we write a title that is concise and relevant to the content of the message and in the Text we develop the content of our message. It is good to always add a topic to our emails and to avoid developing the text of the message in the place where we write the topic.
2.Uppercase or lowercase letters?
In internet communication, the convention has prevailed that tells us that when we want to say something out loud, we write it in capital letters. So we avoid writing the messages in capital letters because it is not very polite to look like shouting at our recipients. Unless we want to shout!
3.Multiple Notification of an e-mail:
When sending your e-mails multiple times you have two options. Notification (CC – Carbon copy) and Hidden Notification (Bcc – Blind carbon copy) of a copy of your email. Notification (Cc) is used to send an e-mail to other recipients who see which other recipients have received the e-mail. Bcc is used to send an e-mail to recipients who are “invisible” to other recipients. For example if you want to send an e-mail to many recipients who do not need to know who else has received this e-mail then enter their addresses in the Bcc field. Generally when sending emails to multiple recipients it is good to use Bcc so that the recipients are not visible.
4.Virus Protection:
E-mails can transmit viruses that can cause problems on our computers. To avoid them, we should be careful, especially when opening e-mail attachments. We avoid opening messages and downloading their attachments when they come from unknown or suspicious senders. We need to be very careful when receiving attachments with .exe, .bat, .chm, .cmd, .com, .hta, .ocx, .pif, .scr, .shs, .vbe, .vbs, or .wsf extensions as these files may contain some Virus. We do not open suspicious e-mails and delete them from our inbox. Stavros Kouris, CEO of Codnext Software LTD, IT Systems and Services