Woocommerce: How to publish a product in your eshop
Products are the most important element for an eshop, without them there is no online store. The process for publishing a product is simple. Let’s look at it step by step.
1. From the menu on the left, select Products> Add New to create a new product.

2. Fill in the product name and description. This description can detail everything related to the product, such as materials, quality of construction, ways and instructions for use of the product and generally anything you deem important for the customer to read about this product.

3. If you go down a little further you will encounter an area called Product Data. Next to it there is a drop-down menu to select the product type (Simple product, Grouped product, External product, Variable product). Let’s describe what each type of product is separately.
- Simple product: Most of the products available in an online store are characterized as simple products. Simple products can have different ways of sending to customers.
- Grouped product: It is essentially a collection of products that are related to each other as grouped products. There is always a parent product and below its children. Customers can purchase the products of this grouping separately.
- External product: It is any product that appears in the store but is sold in someone else’s online store. Think of it as promoting your product to another storefront, but selling the final product yourself and your storefront store simply earns a percentage of the profits. External products are always linked to an external link to someone else’s site.
- Variable product: Any product that has different characteristics is called a variable (eg a blouse or trousers that are available in different sizes and colors can be described as variable products. Variable products can have different code, different price and different stocks for warehouse management depending on color or size).
On the left there is a menu with the settings that the products have in WooCommerce. Select the General tab from the menu and fill in the Normal price field to give your product a price. In case the product is on offer, fill in the Offer Price field.

5. The second tab is titled Warehouse. There you can fill in the Product Code (or SKU) field. This code can be a number or a combination of numbers and letters and is unique to each product. In the Inventory Management field you can select whether you want to manage the inventory for the specific product, in the Inventory Status field, you define the current status of the product (ie if the product is in Stock, Pre-ordered or Out of stock). From the Individual sale field you set the specific product to be sold in a single order for each customer.
If you want to enter weight or dimensions in your product, then select the Shipping tab from the menu on the left.
6.If you go down to the page you will encounter a new area entitled “Short product description”. There you fill in a short description of your product.

7. In case your products have a category, find the Categories tab from the menu on the right and select the categories you want it to have (eg If you want to enter the product in the category PASTRY → Cake, tick both the corresponding boxes). A product can be registered in more than one category.

8. From the menu on the right, you can fill in the Product Tags (or Tags) field. Product labels are an additional way to link products together, in addition to being included in product categories (eg if you sell clothes and have a lot of t-shirts with a bicycle design, then you could create a label labeled “bicycle” ).

9. In the Product Image tab you can add an image, which will be displayed as the main image of the product. If you want more images to appear on the product page, add the images by clicking “Add images to the product image gallery”.

10. Once you have set up everything you need for your product, click Publish.

With these steps you have created and published a product for your online store.