Woocommerce: How to publish a variable product

In a previous article we saw how we can publish a simple product on WooCommerce. WooCommerce allows us to create four different product types (simple, grouped, external and variable). In this article we will look at the process we follow to publish a variable product to WooCommerce.

First of all, we need to understand what a variable product means. A variable product allows us to create a product with many variants and manage these variants as a separate product each. For example, let’s say we have a clothing store and we want to add a blouse to our products but this blouse comes in many colors and sizes. In this case, we will create a variable product with many variations and each variation will be a combination of color and size. But let’s see in practice, how this process is done.

  1. From the menu on the left, select Products> Add New to create a new product.

2. Fill in the product name and description. This description can detail everything about the product, such as materials and quality of construction, ways and instructions for use of the product and generally anything you deem important for the customer to read about this product.

Woocommerce: How to publish a variable product - Algoria

3. Going down a little further you will come across an area called Product Data. Next to it there is a drop-down menu to select the product type (Simple Product, Grouped Product, External and Variable Product). Select “Variable Product” from the drop-down menu.

Woocommerce: How to publish a variable product - Algoria 

You will notice that two new “Properties” and “Variations” tabs appear next to the menu. Going to the “Properties” tab you will find a drop-down menu in which all the properties you have entered will be displayed. That is, if you run a clothing store, then these properties can be called “number”, “color” or “brand”. Selecting one of them and clicking the “Add” button will show you the following. You can manually enter the values ​​contained in these properties or if you want to select them all by pressing the “Select All” button (eg if you have the “Color” property, then the values ​​that may be contained in this property are red, black, orange etc). When done, select the “Used in variations” option and save.


4. Go to the Variations tab and select Add Variation if you want to make each variation one by one or Create Variations from all the properties to automatically create all the combinations of the properties you previously selected. (For example, if you added the “Color” property to the Properties tab and it contains all the available product colors and you also added the “Numbers” property, which contains all the available product numbers, then clicking “Create Variations” from all the properties “will create all possible combinations of these 2).


5. By opening each variation separately, you will find all the fields you may need to fill in for that particular product combination. You can select a specific color and size from the drop-down menu in “Form Default Values” by default. You can also enter a photo of the specific product or if it has a separate product code enter it in the “Product Code” field. You can specify its weight, dimensions or whether it is in stock, pre-ordered or out of stock. You can select “Inventory Management” by filling in the remaining inventory quantity. Once you have entered all the necessary information you can fill in the short description, add a product image and enter the product in a category or label from the column on the right.

6. Once you have set up everything you need for your product, click Publish.

Woocommerce: How to publish a variable product - Algoria

With the above steps you created and published a variable product for your online store.

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